
A variety of brightly decorated aluminum cans inside a blue cooler with ice

饮料罐的设计和装饰可能会出现, 表面上看, 这是一件直截了当的事情, but there is far more to achieving an outstanding result on shelf than simply choosing some pretty shapes and colors. 还有一个心理因素需要考虑, as design plays a major role in how consumers perceive and differentiate between dozens of packages on display. 除了品牌形象, design helps distinguish a craft beer from an energy drink from a canned water or soda, and while this may not be something most consumers are aware of, 潜意识肯定会注意到的.

Fortunately for beverage brands, the can is the perfect canvas for creativity to thrive. 金属基板提供了几乎无限数量的 塑形和尺寸选项,而 装饰技术 近年来有显著进步吗. A 360-degree brandable space is waiting for a striking and efficient design, ready to covey a brand’s image with a freedom that is simply not available with alternate substrates. The versatility of aluminum cans makes them an ideal choice for all drinks categories and audiences, and the format continues to increase in popularity as a packaging format around the world.

So, how do certain beverages stand out loud and proud among the competition? 好吧, if we take beer and other alcoholic drinks as an example, these cans are likely to feature a matte varnish and minimalist designs to appear more premium for a slightly more mature audience, but that does not mean the designs are in any way muted. Cruzcampo is a great example of a successful and efficient promotional campaign involving cans, featuring bright and vibrant images that are accentuated by the natural color of metal under a matte varnish.

Taking full advantage of the can’s 360-degree brandable canvas for its summer campaign, the beer brand commissioned 12 different images to highlight its proud connection to Andalusia. 该软件包还具有我们的口音技术, which allows a design to vary on each can in order to create up to 24 unique graphics in a single production run, 提供一个真正值得纪念和收藏的产品.

A row of Cruzcampo cans, which are red with black accents and greyscale artwork

Then there is the trend toward water in cans, which is often sp约柜ling or flavored. 这些罐头倾向于使用白色, 蓝色和灰色表示产品的纯度, which are also colors that lend themselves to the feeling of wellbeing. 品牌通常会选择光滑的易拉罐设计, 哪里有味道, the ingredient is often highlighted and depicted in a subtle shade relating to its color – a strawberry or orange, 例如. Fruits are a great differentiator when dealing with multiple flavor options,而 plain waters can accentuate the white color often used with a blue for still water or a light green for sp约柜ling. WAMI, 一个意大利的水品牌, which aims to make a difference to millions of people who lack access to clean, 访问水, used this color scheme to great effect in the product range it launched to the m约柜et in 2020.

Soft drinks are another popular category for beverage cans. These packages tend to use the substrate more effectively, drawing on its reflectivity and cold touch for a refreshing look, 而能源部门青睐于d约柜er designs (black/navy blue), bold (colorful) letters, and geometric patterns, animals and mascots. These engaging designs often feature tactile finishes and the use of thermochromic inks, which change color according to the temperature of the contents. Soft drinks brands have been successfully using the canvas of the can for catchy promotions that proved popular among the consumers.

A Corvina can, which is brown with grayscale art of a man with glasses

最后, there are those that break the mold and decide to go with fun designs to attract younger audiences. 为了让它的品牌故事栩栩如生, 仔城酒庄 assigned six distinct cartoon characters for each of its organic wines, all of whom play a key role in returning wine to the world. 所有的葡萄酒都有250毫升的罐装, and the designs are guaranteed to stand out due to their unique style and bold use of color.

最终, the ways that brands can use metal packaging are near limitless – they can literally have 1,000 faces and more - but these general rules are often applied to ensure consumers are led in the right direction in terms of their purchasing decisions. Brands will continue to innovate to ensure that appeal remains strong, and we will continue to support them with ever more innovations in beverage can design into 2022 and beyond.